The City of Others

City of others dance

After a somewhat vague talk by the Director Rafael Palacios, I was not optimistic about this performance. Moore Theatre was not very full either. I was proven absolutely wrong by this dynamic and fast-paced performance. The music was rhythmic and enticing, and never let up. The dancers moved incredibly quickly, with their hands sometimes blurring with movement. And it was quite something to watch the woman with long dreadlocks whipping around.

The group dances cleverly alternated with individual sequences, perhaps so the group could catch its breath.

Everyone was wearing shirt and tie, making it a city scene. Slavery came into play in one scene where all were sitting in a row, and one of the dancers checked each one, inspecting their head or their feet.

The music was a mix, with some sounding very African, some Latin. The second song was sung on stage by Juan Jose Luna Coha, with drum accompaniment, and then he went into another song with a small flute. The last song was Riding the Waves, and its steady fast rhythm ended the show on a high now.

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