
Why at 2 pm on a Sunday?  Because of the Superbowl, stupid.

This play opened up with the actors introducing their characters to the audience, and then starting their play.  The set was very simple with some silver frames and basic chairs, as well as a light board to show texting exchanges.

But it didn’t matter, as the actors really became their characters, especially Mariana Tayler as Fatima.  She was a strong, confident and vocal 16-year old, navigating the first day of school as the only “jabber” (girl wearing a hijab). At the guidance office, she runs into Jorah, at first her nemesis, then eventually her boyfriend.

After the play, the 3-member cast immediately launched into a Q&A session, before Stephanie from the Hop even made it out on the stage.  They play often to high schools and will do so on Monday morning.  Such audiences are often vocal, and have strong opinions about how the characters end up.

Jabber Program

Jabber Study Guide

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