Malpaso Dance Company

Malpaso Why You FollowA dynamic dance performance in the intimate setting of Moore Theatre.  And fortunately intimate, because my tickets were actually for the previous night, so I ended up sitting in the back (luckily there were some seats available).

The first dance, Incredible Waltz, was very impressive, as it was quite long.  The 3rd dance, Why You Follow, was my favorite.  The dance really followed the music very closely, with a strong rhythmic punctuation.

The Q&A after the show was very interesting. The Executive Director, Fernando Sáez, was very articulate and well-spoken.  He was joined by the other co-founders, both dancers: Olsnel Delgado and Daileidys Carrazana.  In response to a question about politics, he said they weren’t explicitly political, but like everyone, they were affected by politics.  For example, they were unable to return home to Cuba over Christmas, for fear they would not be allowed back in the USA to resume their tour in January.  As a result they remained in the USA over the holidays, relying on friends and patrons.

There was a nice introduction to the show at the Top of the Hop where a piano/bongo duo played Cuban classics like Chan Chan at the open bar area.

Malpaso Playbill

Malpaso Study Guide

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